Sept. 2, 2018

Music: Animal Collective

[1:50am]: Great, first thing's first. Install [Ruby+Devkit] so I can actually compile all the Jekyll shit so the post actually shows up on the main page.
Go ahead, you can play along.

[1:54am]: While downloading Ruby, I checked out the license in the badge's SDK from the manufacturer's website. You can read it here. Any lawyer out there who can decode if this is a good thing or bad thing.. seems very restrictive to my untrained eyes.

[2:00am]: Wife came to tell me to get to bed. Better get to bed! But first, I'm installing Jekyll finally after following these easy instructions. Cool.

[9:00am]: Well, now I know why I never write blogs. This is supposed to be on the CHV badge, but I haven't even successfully created a new post yet. I forgot to mention that "jekyll build" puked on "é" when I ran it last night.
< -- It doesn't like the fancy-ass 'e'

After a quick fix (set 'fancy-ass e' to 'e') the "jekyll build" was satisfied, but my post still isn't showing up on my site after pushing the gh-pages branch. I wonder if I didn't create a necessary link somwhere....

[10:14am]: Okay, I watched some Youtubez and poked around some docs. While I was at it, I renewed my domain with my DNS provider and configured HTTPS. It was easy, and I think the folks over at Let's Encrypt!have something to do with it. Huge shout out!!! w00t w00t!!
Back to the Jekyll issue... I am thinking it's a build problem so I need to build it locally with something like "bundle exec jekyll serve".

[12:39pm]: Time flies when you're having fun! /sarcasm. Okay so maybe I learned a few things, but I haven't gotten very far on my actual goal of reverse engineering this badge. I have figured out how this Jekyll shit works. Things mostly were broken just becuase they were old. I used jekyll to create a new test website from scratch. Then I brought in the post I am working on to see if it would render there, and voila! It did. So I copied over the newer Jekyll files like _config.yml and Then reorganized things. Messed with the 404.html (Check it out!: 404 ERROR!), committed my paperclips and gum website, and pushed it up to gh-pages.


I took some pics! The badge comes with an OBD-II connector for plugging directly into an internal combustion engine vehicle. You can find the connector under your steering wheel in most vehicles.

I noticed it uses one of NXP's S32K series MCUs. That's great because I am using a variant of that chip at work! The exact number is: FS32K148HFVLQ.
I also looked up each chip and marked the following image to make life easier.

[2:04pm]: The pictures are uploaded and marked. I will come back with a table of each component with links to the supplier's website.

[2:16pm]: Hahahahaha. This is great! 12 hours later and I find that I need to hack the badge before CAN will even work in the first place!! Well played, DEFCON CHV badge people; Well played.
Let's see, we need a hardware change and a software change. I can't believe the author even listed "Option 3 - No CAN needed." Really? You're going to suggest we don't use CAN in automotive applications?? That's golden.

[2:57pm]: After a short break, I went into researching JTAG devices so I can flash the provided hex to the S32 and get CAN working. Looks like I have a few options:
1. Segger J-Link EDU: Mouser URL ($60.00)
2. P&E Micro Multilink Universal: PE Micro URL ($199.00)
3. Bus Pirate + OpenOCD: Adafruite URL ($30.00)

The Bus Pirate option has a promising looking guide online and feels good on the wallet. Plus I can do a bunch of things like I2C and SPI with it. I have used it in the past for writing a hardware reverse engineering course for the 1st Annual CyberTruck Challenge, but I remember it being a pretty big pain in the neck.

Sept. 15th, 2018

[9:47pm]:The hack to fix CAN on the CHV badge is two parts: (1) Hardware and (2) Software. So I did some solder work since my last post:
1. Ground PIN 2 on all of the CAN Transceivers (NXP TJA1057). So that means three pretty small solder joints. Make sure you have a small tip! I used a 1/32" pitch cone tip. Just take your time, get solder on the tip and solder on the patch wire. I think enamled copper wire is meant for this kind of stuff, but jumper wires actually work just fine in most cases, so I went with that.
2. Solder a 5-pin male header to the S32K JTAG port. I've had to do this type of solder joint tens of times while building my fpv quadcopters, it's a very common solder joint... This one will benefit from flux because it will help the solder flow down into the cylindrical hole of the PCB. Put a little on the tips of the header before you push it in. Use any random thing to prop the pins up so you can solder them in place. I kinda F*@keD up because I didn't use any and got some fat solder joints.

It's not pretty, but it should get the job done.

Time to get BusPirate configured. I have a Bus Pirate 4.0 and will be following the link I referenced above. [10:30pm]: Oh boy! According to the BusPirate website, Bus Pirate v4.0 hardware does not support OpenOCD JTAG.... :(((((

But have no fear! Bus Pirate Community Firmware 7.0 to the rescue?? Could it be?!

I noticed the blog was posted back in 2016 (2 years ago) so I took a look at the bleeding edge in github.
[insert knife picturehere]

It looks like there's a recent issue on Github about not getting BP V4.0 and OpenOCD to work.

Oh yeah, they whipped out the logic analyzer. They aren't messing around! This is what I like to see.
[insert image of github post] AND FIXED IT!!!!

[insert celebration gif]

[insert github fux]
WOOOO!!! Time to pull it down and give it a spin! There is a guide here.

git clone

chmod +x
sudo ./

[insert image of compiler install steps]

[11:20pm]: Time to get the IDE going...
tar -xvf MPLABX-v5.05-linux-installer.tar (this one takes a while, just let it work)
chmod +x sudo ./

64 Bit, check libraries
Check for 32 Bit libraries
These 32 bit libraries were not found and are needed for MPLAB X to run:

For more information visit

[insert failed install image]
NOTE: You may need different libraries than what I list below. Follow the Microchip guide here for installing the IDE in linux.

sudo apt-get install libexpat1:i386 libx11-6:i386 libxext6:i386

[11:36pm]: Finally I ran the IDE installer and it is actively installing...
[insert image of installing #4] [11:41pm]: Argghh!! VM ran out of storage!!!!! It had a 32 GB drive.. [insert image of failed install] Most of the install is located at /opt/microchip as far as I can tell by using "Disk Usage Analyzer." Just select it from the GUI's search option. So I removed the installed bits so my computer had a chance to breathe. I couldn't save this file or do much of anything without warnings and complaints that there was no disk space to do anything (e.g. tab-complete in Bash didn't work - probably because it needed to create a file-based cache and couldn't).

sudo rm -r /opt/microchip

Sept. 16, 2018

[12:15am]: As it turns out, I had a rather large buildroot with full linux and application source just hanging around, so I zipped it up and gained a surprising amount of space. It went from 8.8GB to 2.5GB - I gained 6.3GB; Cool!
I ran into an error after following the build steps. [12:41am]: So it turns out that when I removed /opt/microchip, I also blew away the compiler that I installed first. SO...
First, I had to re-install the XC16 compiler. Second, I configured the IDE to point at the XC16 compiler. Finally... [insert picture of BUILD SUCCESSFUL and rageface] Now to put the Bus Pirate v4.0 into bootloader mode, I was able to simply type '$' into the serial console and hit enter. Then I closed the connection.
The github guide says to use the pirate-loader_lnx, but I can't find it. So I need to build it. Lucky for us the source is included already, so navigate into the folder and run make.

cd ~/source/Bus_Pirate/package/BPv4-firmware ls cd pirate-loader-v4-source make ./pirate-loader_lnx --dev=/dev/ttyACM0 --hex=~/source/Bus_Pirate/Firmware/busPirate.X/dist/BusPirate_v4/production/busPirate.X.production.hex

[1:36am]: Okay, no success.. it kept failing. Time to try in Windows...

[insert agony picture]
[insert windows setup]
This link was helpful .

Yaaaay, it worked!

[1:43am]: Bed b4 2am. Hoping for JTAG connection tomorrow...

[11:05pm]: Now to finally try to get JTAG going with the Bus Pirate v4.0 on the hacked CHV badge. Remembering back to last night... "Time to get BusPirate configured. I have a Bus Pirate 4.0 and will be following the link I referenced above."
Ok great, the firmware is bleeding edge. Now to pull down OpenOCD and get it running with the Bus Pirate v4.0.

[11:33pm]: Oh man, I'm blind. The CHV badge needs SWD, not JTAG. Turns out there's an old issue regarding native SWD support to Bus Pirate v4.0 , but it still needs to be completed. Should I do it? Hmm... I will see if the bitbanging technique works first.

On second thought, I don't own a logic analyzer. Without one, I'm not sure I'll be able to get a bugfree implementation with any level of confidence.

[11:53pm]: I went ahead and followed the OpenOCD configure, compile, and install steps from the Kudelski Security Research blog. One change is that I needed the libusb-1.0-0-dev libs instead of the libusb-dev libs.

sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev autoconf texinfo libftdi-dev
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-werror --enable-buspirate
make && sudo make install

Sept. 16, 2018

[12:04am]: I did some Google Kung-Fu and found two useful links: Tom's blog, similar to mine from two years ago today (wow, what a coincidence) and Programming the FST-01 With a Bus Pirate + OpenOCD
Let's look at those later. Time for bed.