EECS 492 Artificial Intelligence
Assignment 1 Results
Bill Hass
September 29, 2015
The purpose of this project was to recreate Roger Alsing's work on genetic programming to create art. Given an image, can we take an initial population of random spatterings of polygons and allow them to reproduce and mutate to approximate the given image? Lets take N as the population size and K as the number of new children created per generation, T. The fitness of the image is a measure of how closely it matches the original image. Each image uses P polygons, where P=100 for the results on this page. Initially, the polygons are generated randomly - then K pairs of parents are allowed to reproduce to create K children. The entire N+K population is then arranged by fitness, and the lowest K fitness in the population are killed off. This process is repeated until a certain effort, E = N + KT, is reached or time ends (the program is terminated). The learning curves show how the fitness of the best approximation improves over time. The 3D graphs depict how the fitness is parameterized by N and K after an effort of 25000.
Original Image | Approximation | Learning Curve | 3D Parameter Graph |
75×75 pixels |
P=100 N=8 K=2 E=500,000 Fmax=1.44365 |
For E=25,000, N=8 & K=2 gave the best fitness, F=1.09601 |
96×96 pixels |
P=100, N=1, K=2 E=500,000 Fmax=1.22866 |
For E=25,000, N=1 & K=2 gave the best fitness, F=0.96739 |
128×128 pixels |
P=100, N=1, K=2 E=500,000 Fmax=1.23490 |
For E=25,000, N=1 & K=2 gave the best fitness, F=0.99675 |
150×150 pixels |
P=100, N=1, K=2 E=500,000 Fmax=1.15011 |
For E=25,000, N=1 & K=2 gave the best fitness, F=0.93654 |
256×256 pixels |
P=100, N=1, K=8 E=500,000 Fmax=0.76837 |
For E=25,000, N=1 & K=8 gave the best fitness, F=0.61368 |
Generally, if we take the mean average fitness of all 5 images parameterized by N and K up to 25,000 effort, we can see that the best overall value for (N,K) is (1, 1) with avg fitness 0.9171.
Mutations used:
Random triangles were created by picking a point on the image with uniform distribution, then adding a Gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 20% of the image width to the initial point's x coordinate and adding a Gaussian distribution of mean 0 and stdev 20% image height to the initial point's y coordinate to obtain the second and third vertices. Random colors were picked using uniform distribution over the RGB color space.
Parents were selected from an array of individuals sorted in decreasing order of fitness. The first parent was chosen
using the index abs(random.gauss(0, 0.1*N))
. Then, the first parent was removed from possible parent choices,
and the second parent was chosen using abs(random.gauss(0, 0.1*N))
. This made the more fit individuals
more likely to be chosen for crossover. Once the individuals were chosen, the number of polygons to take from the first parent was
chosen uniformly using random.randint(0, P).